In the spring of 1853, Captain Vanderbilt went on vacation to a New York resort.

At dinner one day, he complained to the cook that the chips were too thick.

The chef decided to make a joke with Vanderbilt, who sliced ​​potatoes into paper, deep fried them in the heat, and sprinkled them with seasonings.

It was a joke at first, but didn't expect the captain to boast that it was delicious, and it became today's potato chips.

Potato chips are snacks made from potatoes and are an important part of the snack market in many countries.

Potato chips are becoming more and more popular with many people, but it has two sides.

Are potato chips a part of you in everyday life?

The benefits of potato chips.

Potato chips are a relatively common food made from potatoes.

Potatoes contain a variety of nutrients, such as vitamins, proteins, fats, starch, cellulose, etc., which are all nutrients needed by the human body.

Eating potato chips can supplement the nutrients your body needs, and can also relieve hunger and feel good.

The dangers of potato chips.

1. Obesity

Potato chips contain a lot of calories, and regular consumption will lead to fat deposition in the body, which can easily lead to obesity.

2. Carcinogenic

Potato chips are fried foods.

In the process of high temperature frying, carcinogens are likely to be produced and endanger human health.

3. Hypertension

In addition to various additives, potato chips are also high in salt, which can increase blood pressure and be bad for your health.

In the process of making potato chips, the ingredients contained in them will be destroyed due to the high temperature, so try to eat as little as possible.

4. Causes memory loss

High aluminum content in potato chips, such as long-term consumption of puffed food with high aluminum content, can cause neuropathy, manifested as memory loss, visual and motor coordination disorders, and dementia in severe cases.

5. Low nutritional value

Potato chips have low nutritional value, contain a small amount of fat and energy, and eat more to destroy the appetite.

6. Causes allergies

During the development of children, the detoxification ability of various organs is not very strong.

There are many additives in potato chips, so it will affect the metabolism of children and cause allergies.

7. Damages the nervous system

Excessive lead content can damage the human nervous system, resulting in poor memory, anorexia, vomiting and other symptoms.

If you like potato chips, you might as well make them at home, clean and hygienic.

Ingredients: Potatoes, cumin, salt, pepper, etc.

1. Cut the potatoes into thin slices and soak them in water for 5 minutes.

2. Pour into boiling water and blanch for 30 seconds.

3. Take out, sprinkle with starch and mix well.

4. When the oil in the pot is hot, pour in the potatoes and fry them until golden brown.

5. Sprinkle with salt, cumin or pepper.

If you like tomato sauce, you can prepare some for dipping.