More and more people living in cities are tired of living in the city. So they wanted to return to the embrace of nature and experience the joy of outdoor adventure. Have you heard of these excellent outdoor adventure places below? Next, let's walk into nature together and unlock outdoor adventures.

The Alps

The Alps are one of the most beautiful secrets in Europe. Here you can stroll in the quiet countryside. If you like adventure, you can also board the awesome Alps and enjoy the beauty of the Alps.

This is also a paradise for outdoor sports enthusiasts. You can choose to explore the mysterious caves in the beautiful Logar Valley, or you can choose to swim and row kayak on the sparkling Saka River.


Antigua is located in the highlands southwest of Guatemala. This is a dreamy town of cobblestones. The scenery here is beautiful, the locals are full of enthusiasm, and the tourism facilities are perfect.

At the same time, because it is surrounded by four volcanoes and has Lake Attland, you can conduct a variety of outdoor activities in your area.

Matanuska Glacier

Matanuska Glacier is a valley glacier in the American state of Alaska, 27 miles long and 4 miles wide. Walking on the glacier, you can see towering ice cliffs, ice rocks, and crisscrossing crevasses, some of which are several meters deep.

Matanuska Glacier is an explorer's paradise. The beautiful ice world attracts explorers from all over the world every year.

However, outdoor sports are not simple sports, and their danger and stimulation coexist. Therefore, you must not try if you are not ready. Here are some precautions for outdoor adventure.

Watch the weather

We need to know how the weather changes over the years in the area we are going to. You should have a thorough understanding of the geographical situation of the place you are going to and make all kinds of preparations.

Get a compass

The most essential thing for survival in the wild is, of course, a compass. Compared with advanced electronic equipment, the traditional compass is the safest. Because the compass is not affected by signals, power supply, and so on. A small compass can help you find the right direction.

Carry gauze and medical tape with you

Never underestimate these humble things. They are useful not only for dressing wounds but also for immediate repair when our clothes are torn or our tent is torn. So don't limit it to its superficial use, use our imagination it can be used for a lot more.

Take Care of Nature

The wild environment needs everyone to protect, nature is our survival environment, and is the home of human beings. To care for nature and trees in the wild is to care for human beings themselves.

Pay attention to hygiene and health

Outdoor adventure activities are very tiring, often a lot of sweat. At this time, our human body function will have many reactions, plus we are not adapted to the natural environment, so we must pay attention to health in our daily living diet and living habits.

Only on the premise of ensuring physical health, can ensure the smooth progress of activities.