How is the ocean formed? Where did the seawater come from?

Science does not have the final answer to this question at present. That's because it's connected to another general, equally unresolved question about the origin of the solar system.

Research proves that about 5 billion years ago, some nebula groups were separated from the Sun Nebula. They have been rotating around the sun. During exercise, they collide with each other. Some nebulas combine each other, from small to bigger, and gradually become primitive earth.

For a long time, the air and water in the sky co-existed with the atmosphere. As the crust gradually cooled, the temperature of the atmosphere gradually decreased. Water vapor turns into droplets and accumulates more and more.

Due to the uneven temperature of the atmosphere, the air convection is severe, which results in the formation of thunderstorms. So it rained harder and harder for a long time. The huge flood is brought together into a huge water body, which is the primitive ocean.

The ocean is of great significance to humans.

1. The ocean is rich in biological resources.

The ocean is the cradle of life, and thousands of marine life live in the sea. They are not only an important part of maintaining the earth's ecosystem but also provide a lot of food for people. Seafood is not only delicious but also rich in nutritional value, providing rich protein for the human body.

2. The ocean is a huge medicine library.

Scientists have separated thousands of active compounds through various marine animals, marine plants, and microorganisms. Scientists have discovered that they have a unique chemical structure that is unmatched by terrestrial organisms. Many of these compounds show special effects in anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-aging, and anti-cardiovascular diseases.

3. The ocean is rich in mineral resources.

Sea water is rich in sodium, magnesium, potassium, and other metal ions. Modern technology has been able to extract them as industrial raw materials. Ocean's oil and gas reserves are very rich.

According to data, the world's marine oil resources account for 34%of the total global oil resources, of which the proven reserves have been approximately 38 billion tons. The natural gas resources contained in the sea are even more valuable.

In 2015, the United Nations released the first global marine comprehensive evaluation report. The report pointed out that the ocean is facing problems such as rising seawater temperature, rising sea levels, and ocean acidification, and has a wide range of impacts on the environment and socio-economic.

The United Nations recently released a second global marine comprehensive assessment report, which expressed concern about the deterioration of the global marine ecology in recent years. The Secretary-General of the United Nations also stated at the press conference that the pressure from human activities continued to harm the ocean.

Affected by excessive use of resources and environmental pollution, the ecological environment of the marine ecological environment continued to be damaged. The degradation of the marine environment has a negative impact on the structure and functions of the marine ecosystem.

At present, countries around the world, especially coastal countries, are increasing their efforts to achieve comprehensive governance of the ocean and promote the global maritime protection agenda.