Potato is the fourth most important food crop in the world, after wheat, rice, and corn. Together with wheat, rice, corn, and sorghum, it is the world's top five crops.

Potato tubers contain a large amount of starch, can provide the body with abundant calories, and are rich in protein, amino acids, and a variety of vitamins, and minerals, especially its vitamin content is the most complete of all food crops.

In Europe and the United States, especially in North America, the potato has become the second staple food.

The potato is native to the Andes of South America, the earliest history of artificial cultivation can be traced back to about 8000 BC to 5000 years in the southern region of Peru.

Major potato producers include China, India, and the United States.

French agronomist - Ann Obamanche in a long period of observation and hands-on, found that the potato can not only eat but also make bread, etc.

Since then, French farmers have been growing potatoes on a large scale.

Nutritional value

The potato's nutritional composition is rich and complete, its rich vitamin C (ascorbic acid) content is far more than food crops; its higher protein, sugar content and greatly exceeds the general vegetables. Potato nutrition is complete, reasonable structure, especially the protein molecular structure and the human body is basically the same, very easy to be absorbed by the human body, its absorption and utilization rate of almost up to 100%.

Nutritionist research pointed out: "each meal only eat potatoes and whole milk can get all the nutrients the body needs", it can be said: "potatoes are close to the full price of nutritious food."

To know that potatoes are high in calories, how to control the calories?

1. Choose fresher small potatoes, which are more tender, watery, and less starchy than large potatoes

2. Choose olive oil instead of butter, so that the fat content will be much less

3. Choose to roast rather than simmer the potatoes so that they absorb less fat

4. Add only a little salt and black pepper to season the potatoes, so as to restore the true flavor and reduce the absorption of flavors, and reduce the burden on the body and stomach.

In this way, what was originally a high-calorie dish becomes a very healthy and light meal because of the change in method.


Potatoes 300g

Oil 10g

Black pepper 3g

Salt 10g

Diced cumin 5g


1. Peel and slice the potatoes and wash them.

2. Brush the baking dish and potatoes with oil, and sprinkle the black pepper and salt on the potatoes.

3. Put the potatoes into the oven and bake at 200 degrees for 25 minutes.

4. You can also add your favorite seasoning and cheese